Wednesday, June 30, 2010


On Friday, 6-26-10, we were up in St. Louis Missouri for the burial of my Uncle Mac. a retired Brentwood Missouri police officer and a retired Lt. Colonel in the USAFACAP. While there, we went out to the Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery to visit his brother, my Uncle Jim, who is buried there. As a Vietnam era U.S. Veteran with an honorable discharge, I can be laid to rest at a National Cemetery. I have made up my mind to do just that. I am in the process of making reservations at the Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. Scroll down and see our visit to the National Cemetery and REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURE BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE.

With my sister , Peggy, driving, we head out to the Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. We were following my Uncle John, in the car in front of us, as we approach the exit for the Cemetery.

Coming up to the left turn onto Jefferson Barracks Drive.

Driving toward the entrance, we ride along the perimeter of the Cemetery. The rows of perfectly straight markers clearly in view.

Another view as we drive along the perimeter fence.

The plaque at the entrance to the Cemetery

The entrance to Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, St. Louis Missouri

As we head to my Uncle's section, the view was awesome as we looked at thousands of markers.

Not exactly sure were Uncle Jim's marker was at, my Uncle John stops in the vicinity and we get out and start looking.

Uncle John looking for his twin brother's marker....

At last we locate Uncle Jim's marker.

Uncle Jim is laid to rest at the front of a long line of fellow U.S. Veterans of all ranks and from all branches of service and from many different wars.

Another view of Uncle Jim's marker and the perfectly straight lines of the other Veterans laid to rest at the Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery

Looking across the drive from Uncle Jim's burial site. As a proud member of the PGR (Patriot Guard Riders), I have done many missions where we lay Veterans to rest in National Cemeteries, usually the Fort Sill National Cemetery in Elgin Oklahoma. There is just something about a National Cemetery that becomes very emotional especially to Veterans. I know I get teary eyed, every time.

Another view of Jim's marker

This is my Uncle John, Uncle Jim's twin brother. I am named after them both, John James. They are my mom's brothers, as was Uncle Mac, the reason we were all in St. Louis Missouri, this time.

Rows & rows of markers, each the final resting place of our U.S. Veterans. Some are for our KIA's and others are retired, but veterans and heroes all.

More Markers at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery

A view of Uncle Jim's marker. It would be great to be laid to rest in his section, but I know that will be impossible.

Another view of his Marker

me with my Uncle's marker. Rest Easy Uncle Jim..We will see you again and the reunion will be awesome.

The marker stone with the section number where my Uncle Jim is buried.

I was proud and very sad at the same time at the sight of so many markers marking our U.S. veterans burial spots.

We head back to the cars to depart the National Cemetery. I wasn't on my Harley as I hadn't been released by my doc yet, to drive. I was still in a walking boot.

As we head for the exit, i take more pictures of the markers.

More markers in perfectly straight rows. Whether you looked forward, backward, left, right or diagonal, all were straight

It was a beautiful and soul stirring sight. May you all rest in peace and enjoy the comfort of being with God the Father.

The final picture of the ride was the big wall at the exit. PEACE... that says it all.
This will conclude this post, the first of NORTH TEXAS BIKERS IV. You may access NORTH TEXAS BIKERS, NORTH TEXAS BIKERS II AND NORTH TEXAS BIKERS III, at the following links: I at , II at and III at
please continue to pray for all our troops both in harms way and out, especially for Patti (Korea)
and my Niece Steffanie (Iraq/Afghanistan theatre)
Until next post, be careful out there, keep the rubber on the road, keep your head on a 360 degree swivel, and most of all...............RIDE SAFE............................JOHN

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