Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Saturday. 7-31-10, American Legion 193, in Lawton Oklahoma, hosted a benefit run for 2 yr old Brennen Lyons who was diagnosed with leukemia. I will let you know up front that some viewers will be offended by some of the stops. If you are, I am sorry, but this was a BENEFIT for a child with leukemia. Just get over it. All the folks at ALL the stops were friendly and supportive and opened their places to us and as hot as it got up to, (106 degrees), we were more than thankful to them all. That being said, scroll down and join us on this ride thru SouthWest Oklahoma for this worthy cause, and REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURES BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURES.

Here is the flyer for today's event.

We met at the El Mejicano parking lot in Wichita Falls Texas. Here is a view of Northbound I-44 as I headed to I-44/Missile Rd, where El Mejicano is located. The three bikes in front of me veered off toward Amarillo at the US287/I-44 split. I continued North.

When I arrived several folks were already there. This is Laura's bike. She rode up from Bowie Texas.

This is Matt's bike. Look familiar?

This is Terry & Rhonda's bike. They also rode up from Bowie Texas

Laura says she loves her "Sapphire". Behind Laura, left to right are: Rhonda, Terry, Laura C, Russ and Tex

This is Laura C.s new bike. She totalled her other bike during the Byers Benefit back on July 10, 10 (I think that's the date). She went down on the road right in front of me.

This is mt 2001 Harley Softail Classic and Russ's 2010 Limited Edition Harley Ultra Classic and the paint is called black ice. He calls his bike "THE ICEMAN"

Russ is telling Laura he will make NO u-turn's on this ride.

Matt is in a good mood today. He got there a little early and was concerned that he was the only one there, when Laura and Terry & Rhonda pulled up

Laura & Tex and Russ wait for the KSU time of 8:00 a.m.

This is Matt and Terry & Rhonda

This is two Laura's and a Tex

Russ, today's leader, calls us to get ready to go.

We pull out and head North on I-44. Here is Russ

This is Terry & Rhonda as we head North on I-44. I took pics of everyone but the sun was directly behind them and a lot of the first pictures didn't turn out.

Today's order was Russ up front, followed by Matt, Laura, Terry & Laura, Tex & Laura and I was last bike. I was last because I could go up and down & get some pictures, plus my pipes are loud and no one wants to ride behind me... lol

Tex & Laura heading North up I-44

A picture taken with the camera down my left foot board

I was trying another low shot when I hit a bump and my hand moved. We were doing a little over 70 mph. I was going to delete this pic but Laura wanted me to keep it.

I tried it again and got a little better shot.

Another forward view. Tex & Laura are in front of me, then Terry & Rhonda, Laura, Matt and then Russ up front.

Tex & Laura looking good on their new ride!!

Up in Burkburnett Texas we take an Easterly curve into the rising sun. Still on I-44

We get off of I-44 and head East on US70 in Oklahoma. I have to wait until we head North again to take pictures.

We take North US287/277 to avoid the I-44 toll road and toll plaza.

We go around the toll plaza and get back on I-44 and into the Lawton construction zone.

Due to the construction Russ switches from a staggered formation to a single line formation. We use hand signals to communicate our intentions.

We get thru the construction and on the Northside of Ft. Sill & Lawton and come to the Medicine Park exit, which will take us to the American Legion Post 193.

We get to the Legion and this is Laura and me posing for a picture.

Some of the bikes at today's Benefit Ride.

Our bikes are off to the left at the parking area at the American Legion Post 193 in Lawton Oklahoma.

Some pics of Brennen at the entrance to the American Legion

The registration table

Russ and Laura at the registration table

The American Legion Post 193 sign, inside the building

Laura gets a cold drink and is enjoying the air conditioning.

I go back outside and look at the assortment of bikes arriving.

Laura and Tex and Matt and Laura (on the sidewalk) at the American Legion Post 193, Ft Sill Oklahoma

Laura& Tex prepare to head out. they were gonna try and locate some friends that lived to the northwest of here around Ft. Cobb Oklahoma

more bikes arrive at the legion. For more on the American Legion Post 193 Ft. Sill/Lawton Oklahomas, see this link: http://www.lawtonpost193.org/

Laura heads back from talking to some fellow C.M.A. riders. For more on the C.M.A. (Christian Motorcyclists Association), see this link: http://www.cmausa.org/

Matt looks on as Russ acts as Doug's reverse gear.

As we get ready to head out, some more riders arrive

Other riders get ready to head out from the Legion

Laura is showing off her Frio Canyon in Leakey Texas when she completed the 96 mile "Three twisted Sisters Loop Ride". Sounds like the North Texas Bikers have a future ride. How about it folks? Wanna head down and do the Twisted Sisters ride? I'm sure Laura would take us thru it....

A view of the bikes at the American Legion from in the middle of the road

This Harley that parked next to us was ridden by an Oklahoma Bandido member. We found out a short time later that the Lawton Chapter of the Bandidos House was our first stop today.

Russ takes the lead as we head out for our first stop in the Benefit Run. This leg of the ride turned out to be hilarious when we learned that Russ had no idea where he was going and by that time our little group of six bikes had turned into about 15 bikes. We even did a tour of the Lawton Mall parking lot. We looked like a snake going around that place,

A mirror shot of the folks behind me on I-44. Russ in the lead, I was #2, Doug was #3, Laura #4 and Matt was #5. Terry & Rhonda had picked up a nail in the rear tire and went to get it fixed. They would catch up with us at stop #1

A better over my shoulder picture of Doug, Laura and Matt

After getting a great tour of Southern Lawton, Russ finally gets us to stop #1, the Red & Gold Club. A lot of folks were already there.

Doug and Matt put their gear up before going inside and getting their card.

I go to the end of the street and get a picture looking back down the street at all the bikes.

when we get to the door of the Red & Gold Club, as it was listed on the ride map, we see it is the Bandidos MC Club House.

we went in the club and got our cards from the American Legion guy inside. Inside were several Bandidos and I thanked them for participating in today's event. I got to talking to several members and they apparently didn't mind have a multitude of folks coming into their house. The guys I was talking to where polite and helpful and even offered me a drink, which I had to turn down due to my bad pancreas. I had no problem being there and I enjoyed talking to them. Some of the other folks, I noticed, were nervous and couldn't wait to get out of there and back on the road. One of the bandits came out and let me get his picture with the understanding that should it get printed in a magazine or whatever, he'd get the royalties. Here is his back patch.

and this is "KNOTHEAD" a Probationary Members of the Oklahoma Bandidos M/C. Thanks for the picture and your courtesy, Knothead. Ride Safe.

The line of bikes at stop #1. We were waiting on Terry & Rhonda, who had ridden to Chaps My Ass in Medicine Park to get the nail pulled out of the rear tire and to get it repaired if necessary..

Russ, Doug and Mike at Stop #1 in Lawton Oklahoma

All three are C.M.A. members'; Doug is with Glory Bound in Wichita Falls Texas, Mike is with The Kings Horsemen in Lawton Oklahoma and Laura is with the Chisholm Trail Riders in Bowie Texas

Here is Doug checking out the bikes. Bikes came and went the entire time we were waiting for Terry & Rhonda to return.

Mike, Laura, Russ, Matt and a couple other guys from C.M.A. enjoy the shade

A view of our bikes back towards the East.

Everyone liked the patriotic paint job on this bike

A group of Combat Vet's arrive..

Another view down the street as the group of "Combat Vets" head to the door of Stop #1

Russ goes out and greets Rhonda & Terry when they get to stop #1. Rhonda is happy to be reunited with the group.

We leave stop #1 and head to Stop #2 which is on the west side of Lawton on OK115. Here we head out on one of the main drags of Lawton to the West. The order is now Russ, Terry & Rhonda, Laura, me, Doug and Matt bringing up the rear.

This is Doug and Matt bring up the rear.

We get to stop #2, The Lonesome Dove

The Lonesome Dove sign out front in the parking lot.

Russ suggested we eat at the Plantation Restaurant in Medicine Park for lunch. We all agreed and headed out up OK115 for OK49 which would then take us to Medicine Park Oklahoma.

The view forward as we near the Wichita Mountains. That's Laura just in front of me to the left, then Terry & Rhonda & Russ up front

We contine North Bound up OK115 and some riders approach us South Bound

Laura gives the Biker's V wave to the passing bikers. I do the same

We turn East on OK49 and head toward the Wichita Mountains and the Wichitas Mountain Wildlife Refuge, which we have to go thru to get to Medicine Park.

We come up to the Meers Oklahoma Cut off, in the Wildlife Refuge

Doug & Matt are cruising along behind us with problem

Doug and matt pass the turn off to Meers Oklahoma

As we continue East on OK49, Mount Scott comes into view.

We get closer to Mount Scott. Russ is up front followed by Terry & Rhonda, then Laura, me, Doug and Matt

Mount Scott gets closer. We will go past the entrance of Mount Scott to get to the turn off to Medicine Park

We get to the Plantation Restaurant in Medicine Park Oklahoma and get seated. Here are Laura and Russ. for more on the Old Plantation Inn & Restaurant, see this link: http://www.plantationinnok.com/

Laura and Russ inside the Plantation Restaurant in Medicine Park Oklahoma.

Doug and Laura in the Plantation Restaurant...

Matt & me in the Plantation Restaurant

I was hot and thirsty. I asked for a picture of tea, a straw and a bunch of sweet & low, and they brought it to me.

Rhonda is happy to be inside, like the rest of us.

Russ is laughing when we were talking about the earlier ride around the Lawton Mall parking lot with 9 additional bikes joining us with no idea that we didn't know where we were going. Russ said he knew one thing was for sure: he was NOT going to make a u-turn..

We finish eating lunch and head out to the bikes. Our next stop (#3) was just around the corner, up on the hill at Chaps My Ass, a Biker apparel & accessory shop. We come up here all the time.

We get up to Chaps My Ass and park the bikes. Russ talks to a girl who almost dumped her bike in the intersection. That's Doug, Terry & Rhonda looking on

Rhonda is waiting by the bike as Terry gets his card marked and walks back to the bikes with Russ.

We get ready to head out. Left to right: Russ, Terry, Rhonda and Doug..

Russ decides to take us out the back way. So we head down and around the road back past the Plantation Restaurant

We head out the backway where the curves are a little sharper and run about 5 mph coming in this way

Doug takes his time and drops back a little

We start into the curves. That is Terry & Rhonda up front. The bike behind them is Laura and Matt is in front of me.

We come out of the curves and turn onto OK58 and headed to our next stop, #4, at Ann's Kitchen Restaurant.

Doug made it thru the curves just fine and is behind me as we head to Ann's.

As we head up OK58, we see Mount Scott on the other side of Lake Lawtonka.

A mirror shot of Doug as we head to Ann's Kitchen and stop #4

That's Matt, Laura, Terry & Rhonda and Russ as we head up OK58

Doug taking it easy and cruising along at a leisurely pace.

We get to Ann's and park the bikes

This is Ann's Country Kitchen, stop 4 on the ride today

Matt, Doug and Laura get back to the bikes and get ready to head out.

Terry and Laura get ready to leave Ann's

We headed out to Stop 5, the Bull Pen. The road went South and another went Southeast. We went South. Found out a few miles down the road, we shoulda went Southeast.

We made a u-turn and went back and got on the right road. Three of us missed the next turn and three didn't. We made another u-turn and got to the Bull Pen and stop 5.

The wall above where we got our cards marked off. Plenty of deer heads and small game mounted

We head out to the bikes to head to stop #5

Here is Terry & Rhonda as we head to stop 5

Doug bringing up the rear behind me

We go up a small rise...

Doug pulls in front and I am now in the rear

We get to stop #5, Jo's Rock Island Club.

We get our tickets and head back out to the bikes. The last stop (a bonus stop) is just 5 miles down the road in Elgin Oklahoma. Here is Russ enjoying the shade, because it is about 103 degrees out. Matt is down on the left ready to go.

Matt is loaded up and ready to head to the last stop

Russ is out front, Matt is #2, Laura is #3, Terry & Rhonda are #4, I am #5 and Doug, behind me is #6, as we head for Elgin Oklahoma to gas up and the bonus stop.

We gas up and the bonus stop, stop 6, is outside a package liquor store/convienence store across from this gas station. Also, Doug, Laura and Matt decide to head back to the American Legion for the door prize calling and best poker hand. Russ & I decide to head back to Wichita Falls Texas for previous plans and Terry & Rhonda were going to ride with us as far as Randlett Oklhoma where they would split off from us and go to the Casinos's there

Doug is now up front followed by Laura, Russ, me, Terry & Rhonda and Matt

Terry & Ronda and Matt are cruising along behind me

A better over the shoulder shot of Terry & Rhonda and Matt as we go South on I-44

A view of the Wichita Mountains as we approach them from the North on I-44

Doug, Laura and Matt take the Medicine Park Exit. Russ, me and Terry & Rhonda continue South. Here is a pic of Terry & Rhonda

Believe it or not, there was one dark cloud in the area, and that one dark cloud, with it being 102 degrees outside, opened up on top of us and we had heavy rain showers for a mile & a half. It felt great!! Here is Russ as we pull out of the rain shower.

After we dry out, Russ does his best Captain Morgan impression at 75 mph

Here is Terry & Rhonda as they head South on I-44

Terry & Rhonda pull up in front of Russ as they were taking the next exit (US70) to the Casino's in Randlett Oklahoma

The last picture from the Benefit Ride is of Russ back on Texas soil just outside of Wichita Falls, Texas and home.
I enjoyed the ride today and meeting all the new folks. I look forward to the next ride whenever is and wherever it takes us.
Scroll down for more rides, events and runs and remember to click on the "OLDER POSTS" link at the bottom of each page or under the last post on the page.
You can access NORTH TEXAS BIKERS (I). NORTH TEXAS BIKERS II AND NORTH TEXAS BIKERS III at the following links: (I) http://www.jjskewlstuff.blogspot.com/ ; (II) http://www.jjskewlstuffii.blogspot.com/ ;
Continue to pray for our troops both in and out of harm's way
Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, keep the rubber on the road, keep your head on a swivel and most importantly of all: RIDE SAFE!! ............JOHN