Saturday, October 9, 2010


Saturday, 10-2-10, was the 2nd Annual Smokey the Bear Ride which would benefit the Joy Volunteer Fire Department. We had great weather, so scroll down and join us for PART I of this ride. PART II is the post after this post. REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURE BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE.

I go over to get Russ and he was ready and waiting to go.

Here is Russ as we head East down the Kell Freeway (US82)

We arrive at the staging area for today's ride, the Shell Station at US287/Windthorst Rd.. Here are Tammy and Ted and that's Tim in the background walking in to pay for the gas.

Left to Right: Russ, Tim, Ted and Tammy

Russ, Tim, Ted and Tammy

Left to right: Bud, Ted, Larry, Sissy, and Alice

Left to right; Bud, Jimmy, Ted, Sissy, Tim, Tammy, Larry & Alice

Sissy and Lori greeting each other. They haven't seen each other for a month or so.

A.J. fixin' to gas up his bike..

Tex & Laura arrive at the Shell Station

Lori's Harley sits behind A.J. waiting to be filled up. Dennis K can be seen arriving in the background.

As A.J. gases up, Bud walks over to see how things are going.

Dennis K arrives and parks his bike.

Randall is in a good mood this morning as we wait for KSU time to arrive

Moe and A.J. as A.J. arrives at the gas pumps.

Larry & Alice, Sissy and Tammy & Tim talk as we wait for others to arrive.

Lori & A.J. at the Shell Station at US 287/Windthorst rd.

Jimmy, Laura C. and Randall check out the riders pulling in.

Dennis parks his bike as Tex cleans the bugs off of his windshield..

Dennis K, Bud and Dennis P. talk as we wait for KSU time

Lori & A.J.'s Harley's

Lori and A.J.'s bikes and the other bikes and riders as we wait for KSU time.

Ted, Sissy & Russ at the staging area, US287/Windthorst RD. (Shell Station)

Tex checking out who's here for the ride today

Bud & Sissy at the Shell Station US 287/Windthorst Rd.

Had to have one pic taken down from the foot board level. That's Russ up front followed by Bud and Jimmy as we head down US287

The folks behind me: Randall, Dennis & Moe and Tex & Laura..

A view back from the saddlebag area. That's Randall, Dennis & Moe and Tex and Laura.

Bud as we head South down US 287

Jimmy as we head South on US287

Randall as we head South on US 287

Dennis & Moe heading South towards Henrietta Texas

Tex & Laura heading down South on US 287

Dennis K. heading down US 287

Tammy takes a picture of me taking a picture of her as she & Tim head South on US287

The trikes behind me

Alice waves as she and Larry pass me on US287

Sissy heading South on US 287

A.J. heading South on US287

This is Lori, A.J's wife, as we roll South on US 287

Ted as we roll South on US 287

Ted directly to my front left as we roll South down US 287

Ted Southbound on US287

Robin, who is with the Joy VFD was selling 50/50 tickets for the ride.

One of the Joy VFD vehicles at Four Stars Motorcycle/Auto Ranch

Unit 830 of the Joy VFD

Some of the bikes participating in the ride today..

The sign to look for at TX 148/US 287 when traveling thru Henrietta Texas. For more information on this great dealership, see this link:

Laura C, Tammy & Tim waiting for the KSU time at Four Stars Motorcycle Ranch

Ronda & Terry rode up from the Bowie Texas area to be on this ride

Terry and Mike at the Four Stars Motorcycle Ranch in Henrietta Texas

Riders making their way to the bikes as time nears for us to leave Four Stars Motorcycle Ranch

Ronda and her walking boot. She broke her ankle (I think) and was hoping I would still be in my walking boot. But I have been released from the boot and now wear regular shoes for the first time since 2005

Mike is at the Ride. We are long time friends and formor co-workers for a long time..

Dennis shows Laura K. a bike cover he makes for folks as Randall looks on. If interested in one of these covers or if you'd like to have accent lights put on you bike, Dennis is the man to see. He owns C ME SHINE, a motorcycle accent lighting installation service. Email him at or give him a call at: 940-782-6312 and he'll fix you up. A lot of riders in the North Texas and Southern Oklahoma area have Dennis do the work for them. He is a professional and his work reflects on that professionalism

Some of the riders & bikes on today's ride. Bud is walking inside to get a cold drink.

A good friend and fellow PGR member, Randall.

This is Buddy (orange shirt). He is the Fire Chief for the Petrolia VFD and they are gearing up for their benefit ride on Oct. 16, 2010

Moe laughs at Laura K, as she blows kisses my way. Laura K., is a very good friend and a member of the C.M.A., the Chisolm Trail Riders Chapter out of Nocona Texas

Sissy (on her trike) talks to Tim & Tammy as Lori puts on her helmet.

Some of the riders check out items on their bikes.

These folks are ready to go: Bud is in the silver helmet, with Randall and Jimmy behind him. The last riders aer Dennis & Moe and Laura C. is on Tex & her bike waiting for Tex to mount up.

Tex makes sure all are ready to leave. Ted is to his right as are Terry & Ronda. I don't know the rider behind him.

Mike is saddled up and ready to go. To his right are Ted and Terry & Ronda. I don't know the rider behind him.

We head out of Henrietta Texas for the next leg of the ride which will take us around Lake Arrowhead and to the S&S Grocery Store on FM 1954

Passing the water tower are Mike, Terry & Ronda and Laura K. and the rest of the riders

Our friends at M.A.C. claim this stretch of FM 2606 to clean every year. We, the Blue Knights TX XX, helped them one year (2008) and we had a good time.

Coming up on one of the Lake Arrowhead water towers

One of the many curves on FM 2606. This road goes around the East side of Lake Arrowhead and is very popular with the local rider.

The view forward as we cross the Lake Arrowhead Dam

Mike, Terry & Ronda, and Laura K. as we cross the Lake Arrowhead Dam

Dennis & Moe in front of me as we head to the S&S Grocery on FM 1954

Moe gets a picture of me taking a picture of her and Dennis

Mike appears to be having a good time as we head to FM 1954 and our next stop

As we head to the S&S Grocery on FM 1954, the first three bikes behind me are: Mike, Terry & Ronda and Laura K.

Kelly, Phil and Robin out on FM 1954. They are from Joy Texas

Phil& Robin and Kelly & Phil at the S&S Grocery on FM 1954

Phil by his Harley at the S&S Grocery on FM1954

Robin & Phil by their Harley

Ted, Tex & Laura at the S&S Grocery Store on FM 1954

Laura C. at the stop on FM1954

Tex at the S&S Grocery on FM 1954

Some of the bikes at the S&S Grocery, which is Stop #2

Laura K. on her beloved bike she calls "Sapphire"

The view forward as we head to Archer City Texas

Mike followed by Terry & Ronda and the others as we head to Archer City Texas

Mike as we head into Archer City Texas

The Archer City Texas "Royal Movie house" that can be seen in the movie "Texasville". The movie "Texasville" was filmed on location in Archer City Texas. Janice was an extra in the rodeo scene..

Mike, Terry and Ronda get ready to go get their tickets at the stop in Archer City Texas

Tim & Tammy get ready to head out as the other riders get their tickets for the door prize drawing

Sissy stows some gear in her trike after getting her ticket.

Ted, A.J. and Sissy, in Archer City Texas

Tex and Ted in Archer City Texas

Tex, Sissy & me in Archer City Texas

This is Linny. He took the picture of Tex, Sissy and me.

The line of bikes as we stop in Archer City Texas

This is David. He is President of the Nocona Chapter of C.M.A., the Chisolm Trail Riders

Laura K, is in a good mood today. She is also a member of the Chisolm Trail Riders Chapter of the C.M.A. (Christian Motorcyclists Association)

Terry & Ronda are mounted up and ready to head out, as Mike gets ready to go.

The folks in front of me as we head to the Antelope Texas stop: Russ up front, followed by Bud, Randall, and Dennis & Moe

me, as we head to Antelope Texas

The riders behind me: Mike followed by Terry & Ronda. There are about 50 other bikes behind them.

Mike , Terry & Ronda and Laura K, as we make our way South.

Russ, Bud, Randall and Dennis & Moe in front of me as we enter another of the many curves on this ride. This will conclude PART I of this post. I had a great time being able to participate in this ride and meet some new friends.

Scroll down for more rides, events and runs and don't forget to click on the "OLDER POSTS" link at the bottom of EACH page for more of the same or under the last post on the page.

You can access NORTH TEXAS BIKERS (I), NORTH TEXAS BIKERS II & NORTH TEXAS BIKERS III at the following links: (I);

Please continue to pray for ALL of our troops both in & out of Harms Way, especially for Che Whitaker who is in the Afghanistan Theatre.

Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, keep your head on a swivel, keep the rubber on the road and most importantly....................................RIDE SAFE!!! .......................JOHN

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