Monday, October 18, 2010


Monday, 10-18-10, the PGR was invited out to the Wichita Falls Texas Municipal Airport to welcome returning Security Forces from Sheppard AFB's 82nd Security Forces Squadron. This is PART II of today's Mission. Scroll down and join us as we welcome home these Heroes and REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURES BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE.

I arrive back at the Wichita Falls Texas Municipal Airport at about 4:00 p.m. and see the Ride Captain's talking with the Airport Liaison person.

Alice, Larry and Jody are talking at the support vehicle.

Laura smiles as she walks by..

Alice rests on a parking meter as Larry is being Larry.. lol

Ted, Laura & me at the Wichita Falls Texas Municipal Airport.

Tim arrives. You could hear his Harley from a distance away heading our way..Sounded Great!

Tim dismounts and puts on his Levi vest..

This is Judy and Alice. Judy is the sister of a former co-worker of mine and long time friend, Eddie Carlton

This is Jody, Judy and Alice at the terminal

Some of the bikes there belonging to PGR members

Barbara is talking to Jody and Kirby arrives. Kirby is married to Jody

Mike gets a call while we wait to form the Flag Line

Joe, Tim, Ted, Jody and Larry talking as we wait

The PGR members and PGR bikes. If you want more on the PGR and what we do, OR, if you would like to join (it's free) go to this site: All bikes are welcome. You don't even have to have a motorcycle or be a Vet

This is Larry & Alice's Harley Trike

More of the member's bikes

Gary puts on his PGR Ride Captains cap

Gary arrives

Tim's bike. He has medallions on his bike that he receives from different individuals, including some navy Captains

On the back of Tim's bike, he has this and it reads: DEDICATED TO THOSE WHO GAVE THEIR TODAY FOR OUR TOMORROW

Tex at the terminal

This is Gary at the terminal. Behind him, Laura & Judy talk as Ted downs some water
Mike at the terminal

Laura sitting on her bike and Jody talk as we await word on the plane's ETA.

Dennis arrives at the airport. That's Jody with the water bottle and her husband, Kirby, on the right talking to some folks.

Kirby, Larry and Alice at the Wichita Falls Texas Municipal Airport

The flag line as we wait for the plane to unload

Laura at her position in the flag line

Ted looking left up the walkway

Ted looking right down the walkway to the entry way

Looking at the plane thru the entryway to the passenger walkway

Looking at the plane as they ready it for unloading, thru the window at my position in the passenger walkway

The view of the PGR flag line in the passenger walkway as seen from the entry doors at the tarmac.

The flag line in the passenger walkway

Gary standing the flag line inside the passenger walkway

The first of many of the returning troops come thru the doors and up the walkway

The arriving troops seem to like the welcome home by the looks on their faces.

The first group of troops off the plane make their way up the walkway to the waiting arms of friends, family and co-workers.

The returning troops enter the walkway to the applause of the PGR

The troop returning from Afghanistan enter the passenger walkway

The returning troops enter the walk way

The flag line in the walk way to the terminal from the plane.

Dennis is geared up and ready to head out..
This is Larry. He is Vice President of the Green Knights Chapter 54. He is still recovering from an accident where a drunk driver hit him while he was on his Harley, and then the drunk fled the scene but was later apprehended.

This is Kat, Larry and Genevieve at the Terminal. Kat's shirt says " come to the Darkside, we have cookies." And she brought cookies.. LOL

Larry and Alice get ready to heady out as it starts to sprinkle.

As we get ready to leave, it starts raining. Most stayed on the porch of the terminal and waited the rain out. A few of us left. This will conclude this post.

I was honored to be part of today's PGR Mission and it was good to stand the flag line with my PGR brother's and sister's to honor these homecoming Heroes,

Scroll down for more rides, events and runs and don't forget to click on the "OLDER POSTS" link at the bottom of EACH page or under the last post on the page for more of the same.

Continue to pray for ALL of our troops both in & out of Harm's way, especially for Che Whitaker, who is in the Afghanistan Theatre Of Operations.

Until next post, ya'll e careful out there, keep the rubber on the road, keep your head on a swivel and most importantly of all.................RIDE SAFE!!! ................................JOHN

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