Saturday, December 18, 2010


Thursday, 12-16-10, the North Texas PGR had a send-off mission for Chris Drage, a medic out at Sheppard AFB, located on the North side of Wichita Falls Texas. His dad, Allan, requested the PGR be there at the airport for his son, when he arrived to report for deployment. Allan is also a PGR member. Scroll on down and join me on this PGR mission as we send off a true American hero to the Afghanistan Theatre of Operations. REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURE BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE.

When I got to the Wichita Falls Municipal Airport, there were several PGR members already there. From left to right: Crazy Mike, Bud, Tex and Ted. Tex and Ted are both PGR Ride Captains. The Ride Captains and other PGR Officers wear the maroon caps while all other members wear the blue ball caps and bandana's

Ted was feeling good and talkative today. That is, he was until I pulled out the camera

This is Crazy Mike. I met him several months ago when I was down in Henrietta Texas at Four Stars Motorcycle Ranch talking to the guys there. It's pretty kewl because it turned out Crazy Mike is my son's next door neighbor

This is Bill. I met Bill at Red River Harley Davidson and when I get his permission, I will relate to ya'll what had occurred that bright sunny day... For more on Red River Harley Davidson, see the following link:

The bikes out in front of the airport terminal

This is Ted W. and his wife, Emily. They ride the red Can Am Spyder.

The support vehicle, with the encased flags in the bed, belongs to Tex. He and Ted F. rode to the airport in it, to post some early flags.

As we form up for the flag line, I have my good friend and mentor, Ted F., on my left.

looking down the flag line from the left end.

The left end of the flag line as seen from across the street from the terminal

The right side of the flag line as seen from across the street.

The bikes as seen from in front of the terminal building

As we wait for Sgt . Chris Drage to arrive, several of his fellow airman are there also to see him off. Chris is a medic and assigned to the base hospital

Looking down the back of the flag line to the entrance into the terminal

At about 10:30 a.m. Chris arrives and is accompanied by his wife and young daughter.

One of Chris's coworkers is here taking pictures also. I believe this is SrA Keller.. I forgot write her name down. my bad...

Chris , with his wife and daughter, wait for his mom to walk over from the parking lot.

Co-worker's of Chris, talk to his wife while he gets some items from his vehicle.

looking down the flag line, from within the flag line..

Bill inside the terminal. We would line the walkway to the door that led out onto the ramp.

Ted W.(sitting) listens as Crazy Mike tells a story. Ted F. also listens in.

my good friend Bud takes a well deserved rest as we wait for Chris to check in at the desk.

me and Ted F., as Ted W. (sitting) looks on

This is Allan (holding the flag) with his son, Chris

Allan and Chris. Ya'll put Chris on your prayer list and pray for his safety during his tour. We want to be here next year, waiting, when he returns back to the states

Here is a group photo of today's mission: from left to right: Bud, Ted W., me, Crazy Mike, Chris's Mom, Allan (his dad), his daughter, Chris, his wife, Tim, Bill, Jimmy, Tex, and Ted F.

Just before they open the gate, we line the walkway from the terminal to the ramp. Bottom to top: Allan, Tex, Ted F, Bill, Tim, Jimmy, Bud and Ted W.

This is Sharon. She is the TSA official that was helping us out. Thank you again Sharon!! You Da Woman!!

The guys look out the door as the plane pulls onto the ramp and taxi's to the terminal..

Crazy Mike is deep in thought as he rests against the wall

Ted W. is doing okay.. I think Emily was still inside the terminal..

After the plane departed, we all returned to the support vehicle, furled our flags and put them back into their canvas homes, where they will remain until the next mission. Allan, having put his flag away, walks back toward the terminal followed by Ted F.
Bud gets ready to head out from the terminal

The final picture of today's PGR Mission, is of my bike getting gassed up. I enjoyed today's mission and seeing everyone again. Looking forward to seeing my fellow PGR members again at the next mission.
If you are curious about the Patriot Guard Riders (PGR) or are interested in joining us (it's free) go to the following link and you can join online. Then , if you are here in the North Texas area, get hold of me and I can get you on the mission list and let you know of the different links you can go to. the link is:
Scroll down for more rides, runs and events and don't forget to click on the
"OLDER POSTS" link at the bottom of EACH page or directly under the last post on the page, for more of the same.
Continue to pray for all of our troops, both in and out of Harms Way, and especially for Che Whitaker and Chris Drage both of whom are in the Afghanistan Theatre Of Operations.
Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, keep the rubber on the road, keep you're head on a swivel and most importantly of all........ RIDE SAFE!! ......................JOHN

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