Monday, January 3, 2011


Thursday, 12-30-10, was to be the last run of the year for some of the NORTH TEXAS BIKERS. We were to make a quick ride up to the Byers Cafe in Byers Texas for lunch. We expected about 4 or 5 bikes and we we pleasantly surprised when 14 bikes and 19 folks showed up. Scroll down and join us for this last ride of 2010 and REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURES BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE.

We staged at the Shell Station at US287/Windthorst Rd in Wichita Falls Texas, at 10:30 a.m. and went KSU at 10:45 a.m. Here we are established on TX 79.

Here are the folks behind me. That is Tim directly behind me.

We make the sweeping right curve that will take us due North on TX79

Tim and the others behind me in the mirror shot.

We approach Petrolia Texas with Byers Texas five more miles down the road.

Tim and his Harley at the Byers Cafe.

We had some bikes parked out front, some on the side and the rest of us parked behind the Cafe. Bud has his back to the camera, that's Shane in the bright green shirt and Smokey, our leader on today's ride is in the gray shirt

The bikes out front. That's Lance & Patties Harley Trike, Jimmy's red Ultra, Ripley & Tina's blue Ultra and the white Ultra belongs to Richard & Helen

Inside the Byers Cafe: Gloria is in the orange shirt, Shane is in the bright green shirt, Ron is next to Shane in black shirt with the red, white and blue patch.

Inside the Byers Cafe: Gloria in the orange, Pattie in the blue, Lance in the black hat next to Pattie, Big Mike is on the end giving his order to the waitress.

This is Tony. Tony is a good friend & is a tattoo artist and works down at Design Masters Tattoo Studio in Wichita Falls out by Sheppard AFB. He is also the former V.P. of the Abilene Chapter of the Guardians of the Children. He is now with the Red River Chapter which is located in Duncan Oklahoma. I will start prospecting for the GOC here in the next few weeks. I will be the 3rd member from Wichita Falls. When we get five members, we are going to start a Chapter in Wichita Falls. For more on the G.O.C see this link:

This is Steve & Lacy. Steve is a Road Captain/Director with the Blue Knights TX XX. For more info on the Blue Knights, see this link:

This Victory belongs to Greg. The Byers Cafe does not have a web site yet so I will give ya all the info I know: The Byers Cafe sits on the SW corner of TX HWY 79 & Main St. in Byers Texas. It is a family owned business and Tracy, the owner is known for her desserts. The Food Network was there a few months ago and the Byers Cafe will be highlighted on the March 7, 2011 show. The food is outstanding and very reasonably priced. Thursday is RIB day, the reason we rode up there today. To contact the Byers Cafe or if you have any questions for Tracy, the phone number is: 940-529-6570. Oh yeah, the Byers Cafe is also BIKER FRIENDLY. Stop in and say hi if you are ever in the area and try a piece of Tracy's award winning Coconut Cream Pie.

Pete (blue) and Tim (black) look at the "Bikers Welcome" sign that Pete made for Tracy and is attached to the main sign.

Lance & Pattie gear up as we get ready to head back towards Wichita Falls.

Some of the bikes out back. That's Tony (gray) talking to Gloria, I think.

Smokey, in the gray, signals that we are almost ready to depart

Gloria and Tony talk as we get ready to roll. Tony lives pretty close to the Byers Cafe and he drove over to eat with us.

Walter is saddled up and ready to go.

We depart Byers Texas and take a little detour down FM171. Smokey is lead bike and is in front of me.

The others follow as we head up FM171. Shane is in the bright green shirt

At the H.O.G. Christmas party, I won a $100 gift certificate, so I used some of it and bought this HD windshield bag that I needed.

We looped around and made a wrong turn and ended up back on TX79 in Petrolia Texas.

Some of the others went straight where we turned and these are the ones who stuck with us. I told ya I didn't know the back roads.

The last picture for today's post is of the guys as seen in the rear view mirror as we near the Wichita Falls city limits. This will conclude this post.
I had a great time on our final run of 2010 and. as you all know, you just can't beat riding with friends. It just doesn't get any better than that. And for those of you that don't ride, you are really missing out on one of the greatest pleasures of life. There is nothing like cruising down the highways and byways at 70-80 mph by yourself or in the company of 15-50 other bikes. I love it and I will ride until they plant me in the ground.
Scroll down for more rides, events and runs and don't forget to click on the "OLDER POSTS " link at the bottom of EACH page or directly under the last post on the page.
Continue to pray for ALL of our troops in and out of Harms Way, especially for Che Whitaker and Chris Drage, both of whom are in the Afghanistan Theatre of Operations.
Until next post, you all be careful out there, keep your head on a swivel, keep the rubber on the road and most importantly of all...........................................RIDE SAFE!!!!! .............JOHN

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