Tuesday, January 18, 2011

MY NEW TRUCK 1-18-2011

Just a quick post to show the "new" truck I got a week or so ago. It's a 2008 Chevy Silverado V-6, automatic. I got it at Four Stars Auto Ranch down in Henrietta Texas, and my friends down there gave me a great deal on it.

drivers side


passenger side


and since this is a motorcycle blog, here is a picture of my Harley parked for the day. I went out on it earlier and went down and saw Jim at Jim's Bike Detail Shop at 1001 Holliday St. Wichita Falls Texas
I know it's not a FORD but I couldn't find a good deal on an F-150. So, now, if I drive it home to my folks house in Michigan, it will have to be parked in front of one of the neighbor's houses. My dad is a Retired Engineer from Ford and Fords are all that can park in his drive way.. :).
I will ALWAYS respect his wishes.. Anyway, that's the truck!

1 comment:

  1. You got yourself a nice deal with this new truck. It's color and design are great. I've always wanted to learn how to drive a truck. But I can't find the time to do it. I just hope that I'll be able to make a schedule for it before the year ends.

    Angelica Emmanuel
