Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Today, Wednesday, 1-26-2011, I check the outside temperature and it was a crisp 34 degrees. Warm enough to ride, so I decided to ride down to Jim's Bike Detail Shop. On the way down to Jim's I saw that Oscar Mayer Wiener truck parked at the Holliday Inn Express on Kell. Scroll down for this short blog and check out the Wienermobile. REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURE BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE.

When I got downtown to Jim's Bike Detail Shop, it was closed so I turned around and headed home. As I took my exit off of the US82/Kell Freeway, I saw the Wienermobile still parked at the Hotel, so I turned off and went over to it. As I usually have my camera, I stopped to take some pictures. Here it is in the parking lot as I pulled up.

The Oscar Mayer Logo.

The passenger/driver compartment. I had hoped the owners would come out and give me a tour, but it was still early and I imagined they were still sleeping.

Here's a picture of my Harley with the Wienermobile

Some folks from Patterson's Olds showed up and took my picture . Here I am at the famed Wienermobile. For the history of the Wienermobile and who gets to drive it (College Seniors Only), see the following link:

The back of the Wienermobile and Wisconsin tag

The front of the Wienermobile. The last time I saw this thing was the last time we rode the bikes to California. It was in Malibu and it was parked by the beach. That was many years ago.

Here it is in the parking of the Holliday Inn Express at 5300 Kell Freeway West in Wichita Falls Texas. I took some other folks picture by the Wienermobile before I left and the crowd started to grow and I then left the area. This will conclude this short post.
When the day starts with unusual sites, I know it will only get better as the day goes on.
Continue to pray for ALL of our troops both in and out of Harm's Way, especially for Che Whitaker and Chris Drage, both of whom are serving in the Afghanistan Theatre of Operations.
Scroll down for more rides, events and runs and don't forget to click on the OLDER POSTS link at the bottom of EACH page or directly under the last post on each page for more of the same.
Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, keep the rubber on the road, keep your head on a swivel and most importantly of all.........RIDE SAFE!!.......................JOHN


  1. Hi John, ...a truck in the shape of a Wiener? What's a wiener? I assume that's a hot dog because that's what it looks like. The famous American fast food, actually I would love to taste a real American hot dog. Cheers Bro.

  2. Kool! Love the shot of you and the bike with the weiner... that little Oscar Meyer jingle is running through my head now... make it stop! -V-

  3. Rider, would you like me to check in with UPS and see if I can pack up about 10 packs of hotdogs in Dry Ice and get them to ya? American hot dogs should taste great down there in South Africa! Ride safe my friend and let me know on the hot dogs>
