Sunday, October 31, 2010


Saturday, 10-30-10, the 1st Annual Live Love Remember Motorcycle Run was held at Little Elm Park down in Little Elm Texas. The Run was to benefit the Wreaths Across America Program at the Dallas-Ft. Worth National Cemetery. In Short, it is the organization that lays wreaths on all the KIA graves at the National Cemetery's. For more on this OUTSTANDING organization see this link: . Scroll down and join us on this ride and REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURES BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE...

I left the house at 6:00 a.m. and it was 47 degrees outside and dark. I went to the staging area, the Shell Station at Windthorst/US287, to meet the others that were going from the Wichita Falls Texas area. The "others" turned out to be just Ted and me. We would meet Nubbin down in Bowie Texas. Here is a pic of our bikes and Ted at the Shell Station

We left the staging area at 6:45 a.m. and rode South on US287 to Bowie Texas. We arrived at the Armadillo Restaurant as dawn was breaking. I was cold and in dire need of some hot coffee. To say I under dressed for this ride would be an understatement. This is Ted & the bikes as we get to Bowie Texas.

Ted in Bowie Texas as dawn approaches....

here I am in Bowie Texas. I needed a 3/4 helmet, heavier gloves and my chaps, all of which were at home in the closet.. Oh well, when ya ride year round, you make little errors here and there. And I ride ALL year round as do most the the bikers I ride with..

Nubbin arrives and he and Ted go over the directions to Little Elm Texas. Personally, I never heard of Little Elm and didn't have a clue as to where it was. But, I had confidence in Nubbin and Ted. Nubbin is a truck driver in these parts and knows his way around, so...

For those of you that are wondering where Little Elm Texas is, or even if you don't care where it is, we're gonna show ya anyhow. It's right here where the dark line ends. it's Southeast of Denton Texas and on the Upper Eastside of Lake Dallas..

After about five cups of coffee and three trips to the bathroom, we are ready to head out. Here's Ted walking to his bike.

Nubbin heads to his trike. He said he had something to show me...

Nubbin has a chrome skull as a horn cover, with LED lights for eyes that are on all the time and are red. Well, the right eye went out. Did Nubbin replace it? nope. He put this eye patch over it. Ya gotta love this guy!!!

Nubbin getting geared up so we can continue to Little Elm Texas. There may have only been three of us show up for today's ride, but we were gonna have a great time and Ted & Nubbin are gonna get a lot of pictures taken of them, both riding and off the bikes... lol

I yell to Ted to come over to Nubbin's trike and see the new addition to the skull

Here is Ted looking at Nubbin's patched skull.

The front of the Armadillo Grill right off US287 in n Bowie Texas. They also sell Buffalo burgers and have it boxed up so if you want to buy a bunch of Buffalo meat and take it home, you can. Ted is on his bike and ready to go..

As the sun starts to rise, we set off down US287 to Decatur Texas where we would go East on US380 to Denton Texas. Here is Nubbin leading us, then Ted and I am at the end of the formation...

It's still a little cold out and it's hard for me to hold the camera due to cold fingers and I can't see the viewer due to the glare on the screen from the sun. But I want to ask Nubbin this: If we are doing about 70-75 mph heading South, why is his flag blowing like we're Northbound? And this picture is proof...

Ted waves as he rides by. I decide to drop back and get back in formation and try the one-on-one pics for when it warms up and my fingers thaw out.

Heading South on US287

We make it to Denton Texas and stop for a few minutes. I use this stop to get rid of some coffee..

Nubbin is in a great mood today and is having a good time. He was getting ready to get me totally lost..

We leave the gas station in Denton and went down a few back roads and then there we were. Little Elm Park, in Little Elm Texas. We were a little behind schedule and as they had the ride departure briefing and prayer, we signed in and gave our $20 donation or entry free.

Following the ride briefing those that were going on the 45 minute ride headed to their bikes

This lady was telling Nubbin that she liked her Sportster but was ready to move up to a bigger Harley. I really like the blue Harley came out with for the 2010 Sportster 1200 Customs like this. I wouldn't mind getting one for doing the local stuff on and saving my 2001 Heritage Classic for the road trips...

The bikers on the Run are geared up and ready to go..

Some more of the bikers getting ready to head out on the ride. I talked to the event coordinator and they had 49 total bikes, but a lot had passengers so...I didn't get the final biker numbers. Being Halloween Eve, there were a LOT of different rides going on, and we chose this ride, because it fit right in with what we do as PGR members and as Veterans and supporters of our Military.

The Ride Captains get everyone in formation

Ted gets some pics as the riders head to the formation. That red three wheeler is a Can Am Spyder..

A view of the formations from the rear..

This little guy has a vest on and on the back patch it says: ALL GAVE SOME, MY DADDY GAVE ALL. His father had been KIA in Afghanistan three years ago and never got to see his son. But the boy's mom, is an involved GOLD STAR FAMILY member and she takes him to all the military events around the DFW area. Nubbin's son, Gary, was killed in Iraq three years ago also, and Nubbin and the boy's mom exchanged cards and talked about things that only those who have lost a loved one in a war, can talk about. see this link for more:

The view of the formation from the front.

Another view of the formation from the front.

With a County Sheriff's escort, during the entire ride, they start out.

The riders head out for a 45 minute ride..

After the riders left, Nubbin, Ted and I hung around and waited for Ted's granddaughter, Stormy, to arrive. We also got some water and munched on some doughnuts while we waited.

A short time later, Stormy arrives. Here is Stormy with her Grandpa Ted. Stormy is the daughter of Tim and Vickie, who live up in Ft. Collins Colorado. Vickie has a couple of OUTSTANDING blogs, one being "OUR HARLEY DAYS" which can be seen at this link:

Here are Nubbin, Sormy and Ted at the Little Elm Park in sunny Little Elm Texas. The city limits sign of Little Elm states that Little Elm has a population of 24,000 folks. Check their home site at

This is Carolyn & Larry who rode in from Sulpher Springs Texas. They were gassing up their Harley when the ride started. They tried to catch up and find them, but with no maps given out and none of those left behind to get the food ready, knew the route, so they parked their bike and waited.

Carolyn and Larry at the Little Elm Park in Little Elm Texas

Carolyn and Larry from Sulpher Springs Texas

Here is Ted, Stormy and one of her four sons. She introduced me to them but I didn't write the names down and my CRS kicked in again, so....sorry Stormy, it's just my old age.. gotta cut us old farts some slack..ok? Please? LOL

Nubbin, a Gold Star Family member talks to another Gold Star Family member

Hubbin's trike....hmmm, wonder where Ted is coming back from? :)

Nubbin talking to the Gold Star Family member.

The front of Nubbin's Trike

The front of Ted's Harley and although it looks like it..NO! Nubbin is NOT peeing on my front tire...or, at least, I don't think he is....hmmmm

Ted at the Little Elm Park.

One of Ted's great Grandson's took this picture of Nubbin, Ted and me..

This is Larry & Carolyn's Harley.

Larry's backpatch and the Association he is with. I noticed several Combat Vets Association patchs on those that went on the ride.

Ted, as he is talking to Nubbin..

Stormy is pulling something up on her GPS. Some BBQ place in Tioga Texas? Where in the heck is Tioga? You have got to be kidding!!

Shortly there after, we said our good byes, and started to leave. However, the riders returned from their ride after about 45 minutes and we had to wait on them to pass by before we could get out of the parking area. Here we are as we cross one of MANY bridges that crossed over this part of Lake Dallas.

Here is Ted as we follow Nubbin to where ever he was taking us and on what ever road this was. I think we are heading North, by the shadows...

We ended up in Tioga Texas at a BBQ joint called Clark's Outpost BBQ, right where Stormy said it was...

Here are Nubbin & Ted as we park the bikes and prepare to head in.

Nubbin and Ted heading to the entrance of Clark's Outpost

Nubbin inside Clark's Outpost as we wait on the food to be served.

Ted inside Clark's Outpost BBQ. I neglected to take pictures of the food when it was served but both Ted and Nubbin got the Brisket plates and the plates were loaded and very good according to both men. I opted for a bowl of red beans and onions because I am a glutton for punishment.. Tell ya what..NEVER eat a larger bowl of beans when you are a hundred or so miles away from home and on a motorcycle. NEVER!!

When we headed back out to the bikes, we saw that several other Harley's had parked with ours, including this good looking bike.

Ted and Nubbin get ready to leave. For more on this great Texas BBQ cafe, see this link:

Another of the great looking Harley's parked with us. This is a Harley CVO.

Ted is ready to go. The temperature had risen up to the high 60's and low 70's, so we shed our leather jackets for the ride home..

Nubbin is ready to go...

Before we left, I had Ted and Nubbin go to the Welcome To Tioga Texas sign, to prove that there is such a place..

We pull out from Tioga Texas and cross yet another bridge and I am not sure what lake this was because there were no signs at either end of the bridge. But judging by all the submerged trees, I was willing to bet that the Bass fishing was outstanding here.

Nubbin in the lead as Ted and then me, follow him thru the country.

I clicked over to the total miles on my odometer and got to the camera in time to take this picture of the 25,000 mile mark

We get to Muenster Texas and stop at a bakery there. Nubbin went in and bought a couple of apple strudels because Angela would've hurt him bad if we had passed by and not stopped and he not bought her one. Muenster Texas is a small German Community about 70 miles or so East of Wichita Falls Texas on US82. They have great bakeries, restaurants and events that all cater to the German fare. They also have one outstanding OktoberFest and Germanfest celebration. see this link for more:

Here is Ted as we head West on US82

Here is Nubbin as we head West on US82. Hmm, that flag is still flying the wrong way..

The last picture from today's ride is of Nubbin and Ted as we head West on US82 between Saint Jo Texas and Nocona Texas. Ted and Nubbin would stop in Henrietta Texas at the DQ for an ice cream and I would continue on as I had to get home and take Janice to her part time job. This will conclude this post.
I had a great time today riding with two great friends and meeting Carolyn and Larry. I look forward to our next ride, whenever it happens and wherever it takes us.
Scroll way down for more rides, events and runs and don't forget to click on the OLDER POSTS link at the bottom of EACH page or under the last post on the page for more of the same.
Continue to pray for ALL of our troops both in and out of Harm's Way especially for Che Whitaker who is in the Afghanistan Theatre of Operations.
Until the next post, ya'll be careful out there, keep the rubber on the road, keep your head on a swivel and most importantly of all.........RIDE SAFE...........JOHN

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