Monday, November 15, 2010


On Saturday, 11-13-10, the 2ND ANNUAL MIRACLE LEAGUE FUN RUN, was held in Wichita Falls Texas. The event was sponsored by the Blue Knights TX XX with the assistance of the Wichita Falls Ruff Ryders. The weather at the start of the event was 37 degrees and although the turnout was low due to the weather, those that attended had a good time and the proceeds went to a good cause. Scroll down and join us for this ride and REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURE BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE.

This is looking at the entrance to the Miracle League Field of Dreams. The proceeds this year will go towards the building of family friendly restrooms with a special needs area for the disabled kids that use the Field Of Dreams. For more, see this link:

Another look at the sign above the entrance to the Field of Dreams. That's Memorial Stadium in the background.

This is the Miracle League's Wall Of Fame.

The Wall of Fame with Field of Dreams in the background.

Blue Knights TX XX member and Sgt at Arms, Mark, is the first to sign up for the ride. He will lead the ride.

This is Lauren, Co-Chair of this year's Miracle League. She is obviously cold in the 37-39 degree weather we were experiencing at 8 a.m.

At each stop, the riders would play Dart Poker with prizes going to the best and worse hands.

Russ is explaining to the folks that would be manning the stops, how to grade the score cards. The Wichita Falls Ruff Ryders, in the Camo's, were assisting us this year by manning the stops. They did an outstanding job and I look forward to working with them again. For more on the Wichita Falls Ruff Ryders, see this link:

This is Lauren (in white), with the President of the Wichita Falls Junior League and another Miracle League volunteer.

This is Doug. He is the newly elected Secretary/Treasurer of the Blue Knights TX XX (11-15-10). For more on the Blue Knights TX XX, see the following link:

Left to right: Kevin, Russ and Bud talking with Richard (off camera)

Bobby and Mark talking with Sgt. John Spragins of the Wichita Falls Texas Police Department, just prior to the start off the Fun Run

Mark and Sgt. Spragins kidding around for the camera

Mark is buying some chances for the 50/50 drawing later on in the afternoon

Sgt. Spragins, back in the cruiser, gets ready to head out.

This is, left to right: Curtis, Blue Knights TX XX Chaplain, Kyle (with back to camera) Blue Knights TX XX Vice President and Dennis, Blue Knights TX XX member

Russ is explaining something to Bobby and Mark. Russ is a Blue Knights TX XX Road Captain/Director and Mark is our Sgt At Arms

KAUZ Channel 6, here in the North Texas/Southern Oklahoma area, arrives and interviews Keri, who is Co-chair for the Miracle League and Doug, our appointed spokesman for today's ride. Being President sure is nice. I can delegate authority and not do any interviews. That is , of course, unless any of the Blue Knights refuse to do it..

Another picture of Keri and Doug being interviewed by KAUZ, Channel 6.

Two of the guys I ride pretty regular with, who are not Blue Knights TX XX members, Richard and Kevin

This is Doug sitting down and standing are, left to right: Russ, Debi, Mike and Mark. Mark would also be lead Road Captain on today's ride.

Some of the Blue Knights TX XX Chapter members attending the ride today are, left to right: Dennis, Kyle, Curtis, Bud, Bobby and Buddy.

Two of the kids at the ball field this morning. They had never been on a Harley before so their mom said it was ok to get a pic of them on my bike. I also gave each one a ride around the parking lot, with mom's approval of course. The kids LOVED it!!

The Riders registered and then headed out. Those of us who were not riding in the RUN, rode down to Texas Roadhouse to set up the tables and got the door Prizes ready. Here are Russ, Keri and Bud at our first location

Me, Keri and Bud at the setup area at the Texas Roadhouse, which would be the final stop on the Fun Run

Russ and Bud on the tailgate of Bud's pick up talking to Keri..

Keri talking to Russ and Bud just prior to us moving the table, prizes, pick up and my motorcycle to escape the birds, who were being party poopers...

The large Texas Roadhouse sign that we were initially set up under. For more info on the Texas Roadhouse, one of my favorite places to get a steak, see this link:

Last look prior to moving it to the East. Since the wind was out of the East, this would put us well out of the range of the roosting birds.

For the Dart Poker game at each stop, Russ had made up several different designs that had to do with baseball. This was the baseball design, he also did a field design, a bat design and a couple others. The riders told me later that they really enjoyed the dart game at each stop.. Each Dart Board also had the Miracle Leagues Motto on it :Where Every Child Deserves the Chance to Play Baseball"

The view back to the big Texas Roadhouse sign from my new parked position.

Another friend and former co-worker showed up at the Texas Roadhouse to eat. This is Paul and his son, Jonathan. I believe that's his son's name.

Paul and his son, Jonathan, at the Texas Roadhouse.

Bud talking with one of the Ruff Ryders. I think this is Trouble.

Trouble has the above Ruff Ryders signature on his vehicle. Looks good!

Barbara arrives at the Texas Roadhouse. She had attended a PGR Mission earlier and came over to join us when the mission was over

One of the bikes in the Fun Run today

This Can Am Spyder belongs to Ted.

This is Ted. He and his wife had been at the PGR Mission with Barbara earlier and came over when the mission ended. Bud & I and several others would've been at the PGR Mission, but we were already committed to this Fun Run

The rider of this bike said it was a Suzuki M109 model with extra equipment added.

The Texas Roadhouse Restaurant located at Kell East (US82) and Lawrence Rd in Wichita Falls Texas

Russ and I talk while we wait for the main group of riders to arrive.

Bud heads down to the bikes as the riders come in to the final stop in today's Fun Run.

Mark talks with Ted as the other riders park their bikes

Debi walks over to say hi and to see what the door prizes look like.

Here is Bobby making his final dart throw. Russ would tally up the sheets and prizes would be awarded to the best hand and to the worse hand

Left to right: Ted and his wife, Debi and Mike and Kevin and Richard

Debi and Mike at the Texas Roadhouse, which was the last stop on the 2nd Annual Miracle League Fun Run

Kevin has no idea that Mike is behind him. As far as I know, he'll discover it when he sees this picture. I didn't tell him what we were laughing at and neither did Mike

Here is Kevin without Mike.

Here is Mike with Debi in the background at the Texas Roadhouse parking lot.

Looking down the row of bikes. We had Harley's, Suzuki's, Honda's, Yamaha's, one Can Am Spyder and one Ducati on today's ride. Everyone got along and had fun. I heard no negative comments pertaining to the ride itself. Looks like Russ made up a great route. Thanks Russ, you da man!!

Here s Richard getting something from his bike

Here are some of the bikes and some of the riders talking after the Fun Run was over and folks were leaving

Another view of some of the bikes on today's ride. After the ride, several riders went inside the Roadhouse to eat. The Roadhouse had donated two meals for door prizes and they gave a 10% discount to all the folks that rode in the 2nd Annual Miracle League Fun Run. And this will conclude this post.
Thank you to all the riders who came out this morning, in the 37 degree temperature, to participate and support this worthy cause.
Scroll down for more rides, events and runs and don't forget to click on the "OLDER POSTS" at the bottom of EACH page or under the last post on that page, for more of the same.
Please continue to pray for all of our troops, both in and out of harms way, especially for Che Whitaker who is serving in the Afghanistan Theatre of Operations.
Until the next post, ya'll be careful out there, keep the rubber on the road, your head on a swivel and most importantly of all..........RIDE SAFE...JOHN

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