Sunday, January 30, 2011


On Saturday, 1-29-2011, we had a ride up into Oklahoma where we would go to Mount Scott, Chaps My Ass and the Riverside Cafe in Medicine Park. Scroll down and join us on Part I of this ride and REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURE BIGGER, JUST CLICK THE PICTURE...

We met at the El Mejicano Restaurant parking lot at I-44 & Missile Rd, here in Wichita Falls Texas, with the staging time of 9:30 a.m and departure time of 10:00 a.m. Here are some of the bikes that were there when I arrived.

We leave the staging area and headed North on I-44. Here are Charlie & Brenda.

Here is Randall on Northbound I-44 (actually it's East bound I-44, but we stay on it while it's still heading North)

Here is Mike as we head North on I-44

Here is Louis as he heads North on I-44

Here are Honda & Austin as they head North up I-44

Here is Janis as she heads North up I-44

Here is Matt as he heads North on I-44

Here is Doug heading North on I-44

Here are Dennis & Moe as they Head North on I-44

This is Robert, our leader for today's ride, as he heads North up I-44.

We wait on three bikes in Chattanooga Oklahoma. We lost our tailgunner, Jim J., somewhere along the way and Lance & Pattie turned around to go look for him and Charlie & Brenda were losing power after they hit 60 mph, so they turned around and went back to the Red River Harley Davidson dealership in Wichita falls. We didn't see any of them the rest of the day. We did meet Jim M in Chattanooga and he went the rest of the ride with us. See this link for the RRHD dealership: Above are Matt & Doug as we wait.

Left to right as we wait in Chattanooga Oklahoma: Austin, Moe, Honda (behind Moe), Randall and Mike

This is Mike who was with the Green Knights. The Green Knights Chapter 54, from Sheppard AFB located in Wichita Falls, also had a ride today and they pulled into the station for a break while we were there. They came up the same route as we did and they did not see any of our folks along the way. So.......

Our group at the Fina Station in Chattanooga Oklahoma

Some of the Green Knights Chapter 54, at the Chattanooga Oklahoma Fina, that were on their ride going to the same places we were, by the same route.

We pull out and continue on our way. That's Randall in front of me and Honda & Austin in front of him, then Doug, then Janis and Robert.. Robert is up front...

Behind me are: Dennis & Moe, Mike, Louis, Jim and Matt. We are just entering the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, which is open range. That means there are cattle, longhorn steers and buffalo roaming freely about. I have been up here and buffalo were walking right down the highway.

Up front back to me are: Robert, Janis, Doug, Honda & Austin and Randall. We are heading East on OK49 enroute to our first stop, the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center.

Janis and Doug park their bikes at the Visitor Center.

Randall & Dennis talking and Jim behind Moe at the Visitor Center

Doug and his brother in law, Louis, at the Visitor Center. For more on the Visitor Center see:

Austin & Honda at the Visitor Center. Both Honda and Austin are members of the local chapter of B.A.C.A. (Bikers Against Child Abuse). For more on B.A.C.A., see this link:

Austin and Honda's B.A.C.A. back patches.

Doug and Landon. Landon was a visitor at the Visitor Center and wanted to sit on a Doug's Harley. He fit perfectly in the passenger seat behind Doug.

We left the Visitor Center and headed down OK49 to our first stop, Mount Scott

With Robert leading and followed by Honda & Austin, Mount Scott comes into view.

Behind me, as we close in on Mount Scott, are: Dennis & Moe, Randall, Mike, Jim, Matt, Janis and Doug. Janis was going to try riding her bike up to the summit of Mount Scott for the first time EVER!! We were all pulling for her.

Robert and Honda & Austin approach the entrance to the winding road which would take us up to the top.

And we start up. Robert and Honda & Austin are up front. I told everyone that if I went over the side, not to worry about me or my bike, but find the camera because I would click that shutter all the way down and there would be some hellacious pictures on the memory card.

The others behind me heading up Mount Scott

The view off to the right of our bikes as we rode the twisty road up..

Coming up the grade are: Dennis & Moe, Randall, Louis, Mike, Jim, Matt, Janis and Doug.

We get to the top of Mount Scott. Here is Matt

A happy Janis and Robert at the top of Mount Scott.. CONGRATULATIONS JANIS!! We're proud of you!!

Robert, me and Dennis at the top of Mount Scott

Dennis, me, Janis & Robert on Mount Scott Summit.

Robert & Janis on Mount Scott with Lake Lawtonka behind and way down below them. That stretch of ribbon off to Janis's left is OK49, the road we were on before starting our upward climb to the top of Mount Scott.

Robert and Janis on the observation deck atop of Mount Scott.

On the observation deck on the top of Mount Scott: left to right: Robert & Janis, Jim, Austin & Honda and me.

Our group on the observation deck on Mount Scott. I took the picture of, from left to right: Matt, Mike, Moe, Dennis (kneeling), Robert, Janis, Jim, Austin, Honda, Doug & Louis

First time since about 1976 that I have seen a Law Enforcement vehicle on the top of Mount Scott. I think this was a U.S. Parks & Wildlife vehicle.

Well, what goes up, must eventually come down. We start our ride back down Mount Scott. Louis is waving and being followed by Mike, Jim, Matt and Randall.

In front of me are Honda & Austin on their Harley, with Dennis & Moe in front of them. Robert's already made the curve.. A couple of turns down the mountain, the inevitable happened to me. My camera slipped out of my hand, bounced off the gas tank of my Harley and down onto the roadway, bouncing downhill next to me while I tried to get stopped. That event will be covered in Part II of The Oklahoma Run.

Still heading down Mount Scott. Dennis & Moe followed by Honda & Austin. Mount Scott is only 2,464 high, small by mountain standards, but it's the only one we have, so.......

Bicycles riding up as we head down. Robert is up front, followed by Dennis & Moe and Honda & Austin

The others close in: Louis, Mike, Jim, Randall and Matt is behind Mike but can't be seen. This will conclude Part I of the Oklahoma Run.
Scroll down for Part II and don't forget to click on the OLDER POSTS link on the bottom of this page to take you to Part II and other posts.
Continue to pray for ALL of our troops both in and out of Harms Way, especially for Che Whitaker and Chris Drage, both of whom are serving in the Afghanistan Theatre Of Operations.
Until Next post, ya'll be careful out there, keep the rubber on the road, keep your head on a swivel and most importantly of all................RIDE SAFE...............JOHN


Welcome to Part II of the Oklahoma Run of 1-29-2011. Scroll down and join us for the conclusion of the ride and REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURE BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE.

As we head back down Mount Scott, Louis waves behind me and Mike is behind him on the white Harley

As we head back down Mount Scott. That's Honda & Austin on the white Harley in front of me, Dennis & Moe are in front of them and Robert is up front as our leader

Louis and the others as they head back down Mount Scott. Shortly after taking this picture, I was getting ready to take a shot over my right shoulder and the camera slipped out of my hand, hit the gas tank and onto the roadway. As I was trying to get stopped on the downhill slope, the camera kept bouncing on the road and fianlly stopped behind me. I waved the guys on by and Louis retrieved the camera for me. Other than a few scrapes and cracked battery compartment cover, it's working fine...Lucked out on that one.

Still heading down from the summit of Mount Scott to the base of Mount Scott. Honda & Austin in front of me, then Dennis & Moe and Robert is our leader up front.

Behind me are Louis, Mike, Jim, and Randall at the rear. I don't know who was riding behind Jim and Randall on the way down.

Heading down Mount Scott are Honda & Austin and in front of them are Dennis & Moe.

We catch up with some cars that were creeping ever so slowly down the mountain.. That's Honda & Austin, then Dennis & Moe and Robert is up front

Here is Louis behind me waving. Louis is a fellow PGR member. PGR stands for "PATRIOT GUARD RIDERS". To learn more about the PGR and what we do, and to join (it's free!), just go to this link: We are members of the North Texas PGR.

Here are Louis, Randall and Dennis as we wait outside of the "RIVERSIDE CAFE" for a table. We are in Medicine Park after taking a short ride from the base of Mount Scott. For more on Mount Scott and the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, go to this link:

Here are Mike, Randall & Randy in the outside eating/waiting area at the Riverside Cafe in Medicine Park Oklahoma

Mike had to head back to Texas but before he left, he modeled this snappy looking hat for us..

Here are Doug & Louis. Doug & Louis are Brother in laws and both are North Texas PGR members.

Here is Randall outside the Riverside Cafe in Medicine Park Oklahoma

One of our two tables inside the Riverside Cafe. Folks at the table going down each side are: Louis, Doug, Robert, and Janis. The other side is: Moe taking a picture of me, Dennis and Mike on the end. For more info on the Riverside Cafe, see this link:

Our table at the Riverside Cafe: Matt & Randall, and on the other side is Honda & Austin - (in the Red sweatshirt)

This Bridgette, our 1st waitress at the Riverside Cafe. Found out she was just helping out her sister, who was our waitress

This is Brittany our waitress. Never got to ask but I think she and Bridgette are twins. Both about the same size and only their hair was a different color

Here is Matt sitting on his bike after we ate. We were getting ready to walk up the hill to Chaps My Ass. There were several hundred bikes in the area so we just left our bikes down by the restaurant. Parking is very limited up there at Chaps My Ass.

Jim at the Chaps My Ass sign. Chaps My Ass, for those of you who are new viewers to the North Texas Bikers series, is a Motorcycle Accessories and Apparel Shop that is very popular with the bikers of North Texas & Southern Oklahoma and is located in Medicine Park.. Medicine Park is a very picturesque city snuggled in the Wichita Mountains in Oklahoma. Check this link out:

One of the bikes at Chaps My Ass

This is Annette. She was outside Chaps My Ass waiting for her husband to come out. I waited for him (to take his & Annette's picture by the bike) but we left a while later and he was still inside...

Some of the bikes out front in the parking area of Chaps My Ass. I did not get a chance to go inside Chaps to get pictures because it was packed with bikers, almost elbow to elbow, so I got this link for ya'll to check Chaps My Ass out at:

I met Roberto and some of his friends while outside looking at the bikes parked in front of Chaps My Ass. Here is the back of Roberto's vest and yes, he is from Puerto Rico.

Here are, left to right: Richard, Roberto and Don. The first Harley belongs to Richard and I quote from Don, the second bike is his and Don says" the better looking of the two" end quote.

This is Richard, Roberto and Don at Roberto's bike. It was great meeting you guys.. Ride Safe

This is Tammy & Doug at Chaps My Ass. The dentist that Doug goes to is where he met Tammy. She is a dental assistant there..

Here are Robert & Janis and Dennis waiting outside Chaps My Ass, for the others inside.

Outside Chaps My Ass are, left to right: Honda (reading the mag), Austin (Honda's wife), Jim and Dennis is at the table behind them.

Left to right: Robert is sitting down, Doug is by the Chaps My Ass sign and Matt.

We walk down to the bikes and get ready to go. Here are Honda & Austin on their Harley ready to go.

Janis is getting a little help from Robert and Dennis, backing up the incline that is all rocks.

Jim is ready to go.

Moe waits as Dennis backs their bike up out of the gravel and onto the street

The others are lined up and almost ready to head out. Moe is getting the commo checks with Dennis.

We leave Chaps My Ass and head out for OK49 which will take us to I-44

Leaving the Medicine Park city limits. First two bikes behind me are Jim and Louis.

We get on OK49 and head for I-44 and some gas just prior to the on ramp. There is a big grass fire up ahead and on the East side of I-44.

We top our tanks off at the Love's. That's Louis getting on his bike in front of the store and the other white Harley is Honda & Austin's bike. They are still inside paying for their gas.

I moved the zoom up a notch or two and then took a picture over my shoulder before the camera could focus. The effect came out as I hoped it would. It may be blurred but I really like the picture. I've seen similar ones in magazines and now I know how they did it. Well, maybe not exactly how I did it (One hand over my shoulder, not looking at the camera but the road at 70 mph), but the effect is the same.

Here is Randall, Louis and the rest of the guys as we head East on US70
towards I-44 again. We had taken a detour aroud the I-44 toll gate.

Back on I-44 heading South, we cross over the Red River Bridge and enter our homeland, Texas!!

Dennis & Moe heading home, South on I-44.

Last picture from today's ride and concluding this post, is of Randall, Louis, Honda & Austin and Doug heading South on I-44 nearing their cut-offs.

I thoroughly enjoyed today's ride with some great people. I say it over and over but it doesn't get any better than riding in good weather, with great friends heading to a nice destination and stopping for some good food! I look forward to our next ride, whenever and wherever it takes us.

Scroll down for more rides, runs and events and don't forget to click on the OLDER POSTS link at the bottom of EACH page or directly under the last post on the page, for more of the same.

Continue to pray for ALL of our troops, both in and out of Harms Way. especially for Che Whitaker and Chris Drage, both of whom are serving in the Afghanistan Theatre of Operations and for Fred Hughes who will be rejoining his unit in Afghanistan next month (Feb). This will be Fred's second tour in the region as he just returned from Iraq in 2009..

Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, keep the rubber on the road, keep your head on a swivel and most importantly of ..........RIDE SAFE!!.................JOHN